Expert Private Security Training
Welcome to Sentricom Security. We are a DCJS-certified security training academy located in Fairfax, VA. Our academy provides comprehensive armed and unarmed private security training, as well as tactical weapons training. Our team of experienced instructors is committed to providing the highest level of training to our students. Click here to learn more about our courses.
Our Courses
At Sentricom Security, we offer a range of courses designed to prepare you for a career in private security. Our courses are taught by experienced instructors and cover a range of topics, including:
Unarmed Security Training
Our 01E unarmed security training course covers the fundamentals of private security, including conflict resolution, constitutional law, report writing skills, situational awareness, and basic self-defense techniques. Upon completion of the course, you will be prepared to work as an unarmed security officer.
Life Saving Training
Our live saving training includes courses such as CPR, AED, First Aid, and Narcan training. These courses cover basic life-saving techniques that are essential for all security officers. These courses are designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to respond to medical emergencies.
Firearms Safety Training for Concealed Carry Permits
Our firearms safety training course covers the fundamentals of firearms safety, including proper handling, storage, and maintenance. This course is designed for individuals who own firearms or are interested in purchasing a firearm. This training is also a perquisite for obtaining a Concealed Carry Permit in Virginia.